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Going Green in the Metal Recycling Industry

Posted on 16 July 2013

In the metal recycling industry, Going Green means different things to different companies – from operating an eco-friendly factory, to creating manufacturing systems and processes that are sustainable. Successful business people are always paying attention to trends, both local and global, and Going Green is one of those.

Experts around the world agree that achieving long-term business success means Going Green.  And companies worldwide are instituting eco-friendly practices that are just plain good for the bottom line.  An eco-friendly company keeps ahead of the competition, positions itself ahead of the curve, and creates a positive corporate image.

Every business, every company and every corporation strives for improvement.  Going Green is just another improvement, and it’s an improvement that is win-win.  So whether a firm decides to install lighting that is energy efficient, or significantly re-tool an entire process, it all contributes to the betterment of the environment.

Global statistics show that Going Green can deliver big pay-offs, and the benefits are far reaching. Going Green delivers lower operating costs and better operating efficiencies, both translating into better profit margins.  Even government tax breaks and incentives are meaningful.  And today, many customers, suppliers and service providers are leaning towards companies that are conscious about the environment.

Indeed, there are also many, less tangible, yet positive side effects.  Employee health is enhanced, and workers are happier and more productive.  As well, a company’s corporate image is amplified because it conducts business in a socially responsible fashion – everyone likes that part!

Whether a company undertakes simple steps, and makes improvements to heating and ventilation, or decides to completely overhaul wastewater and sewage systems, it all contributes to a better environment.  Many businesses delegate to consult an expert, executing in depth energy audits, and implementing major operational changes under the banner of reduce, re-use and recycle.

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