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Guide to Convenient Metal Recycling at Local Scrap Yards

Posted on 30 May 2023

These days the three "R's" have become a part of the vernacular, and "Recycle" has certainly gotten the most attention, as it should. We here at Tal Metal Recycling have been helping our customers and the environment by being one of the top scrap yards in Toronto for our recycling system and our top dollar paid for your metal scraps. We offer a wide range of services, including trucking and scrap metal pickup. We accept and recycle the full spectrum of non-ferrous metals and even have an iron/steel recycling program. Our online infrastructure and high-tech network allow us to work locally and make a difference nationally and globally by staying in touch with buying and selling clients worldwide.

Local Initiatives Making A Difference At Home And Abroad

Industry, manufacturing, home building and construction, small business, and even private individuals all may have scrap metal pickup needs at a local level. We have the best way to turn your unwanted scrap metal into something more valuable - cash!
By working locally with a scrap yard in Toronto like Tal Metal, that understands the needs of our local clientele and the requirements of local, national and global businesses that rely on recycled metals that have been processed with the utmost of care and the highest and best use in mind, you are helping Toronto, Canada, and the indeed the world at being as GREEN as it can be.

Our specialty is non-ferrous metals, and we pride ourselves on our ability to segregate to the highest of specifications and exacting standards that the modern industry demands, as do our clients. We monitor local, national and global supply and demand to ensure shipment to the right market, which in turn gets the best price for your scrap metal here in Toronto. 
When we promise to buy your scrap materials, we do so with an end-to-end guarantee in mind, managing your metal needs and programs if you have one in place, working in conjunction with it. Transport and logistics are taken care of, and we do timely and safe pickup and transport every day!

Safety and Reliability at Tal Metal

Providing a safe, secure, and protected facility for both our employees and customers is, and always has been, paramount at Tal Metal. We have been conducting our operations in a manner that complies with OHSA rules and regulations and projects our founders' philosophy and mantra: to be the best, do the best, and make the best. These are the standards we work and live by.

"Green" Environmental Impact

As a customer of Tal Metal, you ensure that by recycling your scrap metal in Toronto, the need for virgin ore mining in Canada and abroad is lessened, which is a big bonus for the environment! The effects of that on local ponds, creeks, rivers, wetlands, grasslands etc., mean more of it is left unspoiled and even untouched in some cases.

Reach out to discuss how you can cash in and help out in one go!

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