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Where to Search for Quality Scrap Copper

Posted on 07 May 2021

During most of the year, copper is highly sought after by scrap metal yards. For collectors, it pays to know where to search and where to collect high-quality scrap copper. In fact, even when the scrap prices are on the low side, copper is still worth searching for.    

If you’re collecting scrap for a local yard, copper is typically one of the more in-demand metals. The beauty is that it’s found in a lot of places. As for quality, pure copper will fetch a better price than scrap that might require cleaning and separation at the yard.

Unlike some of the other scrap yards in Toronto, Tal Metal offers convenient scrap metal pick-up when required. Beyond the convenience of the service itself, the pick-up also allows for physical distancing precautions to ensure the safety of customers during these challenging times.

Demolition Sites

One of the benefits of a demolition site or home renovation is the abundance of electrical wire, usually tossed out by contractors. Collectors can cash in on the valuable scrap copper that would otherwise be sent to a landfill. For collectors with the time and inclination, it's worthwhile to strip the wire and get more cash from the scrap yard.

Household Plumbing

Most household pipes and plumbing are made of high-quality copper, and throwing this type of scrap out is money down the drain. For collectors, it’s quite advantageous to ask a plumber or renovation contractor to leave broken copper pipes behind for collection. There may also be some brass along with the copper, and this too is valuable scrap.

Home Appliances

With home appliances, the older the machine, the better. Older appliances typically have more copper, which means more money from the scrap. Scrap collectors can cash in on washers, dryers, fridges, and even air conditioners. On the downside, there are specific environmental rules to consider when scrapping home appliances.

Roofing Cooper

When some homes undertake a roof replacement or replace roof gutters, there could be scrap copper available in good quantity. While this type of scrap must be clean to get the best price, the high volume of waste makes for a valuable collection. Also note, in addition to roofing, other home construction materials also contain copper.

Old Electronics

Old electronics sitting around in most households usually contain plenty of copper wire. It’s a great source of electrical copper wire. Still, it can be quite tedious to prepare and separate for delivery to the scrap yard. Here ag

ain, the cleaner the scrap metal is when you bring it into the scrap yard, the better the price you will receive in return.

In Toronto and the GTA Choose Tal Metal For Metal Recycling

As one of the more established scrap yards in Toronto, we specialize in the collection and recycling of non-ferrous metals. We provide our reliable scrap metal pick-up to both residential and commercial clients in Toronto and throughout the GTA.

To find out more about Tal Metal, visit our company website at https://www.talmetal.ca or call us directly at 905-660-7081


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