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5 Home Decluttering Tips For Scrap Metal

Posted on 10 January 2022

For many homeowners, the new year is the right time for a new start. Around the house, it’s a great opportunity to re-organize things, declutter, and get rid of anything that's superfluous. With new finds from holiday sales and gifts, it’s a good time to say “out with the old; in with the new,” and scrap yards in Toronto can help with that.

With scrap metal items, for example, it pays to contact one of the reputable scrap yards in Toronto and send everything off to be recycled, rather than trashing it all as landfill material. Locally, Tal Metal accepts various types of scrap metal for recycling and pays market prices for aluminum, copper, and others. We also provide convenient scrap metal pick up in Toronto.

As for decluttering, it’s a good thing at any time of year, but particularly as a new year emerges. And with good quality scrap metal, it’s an easy way to acquire some quick cash for “garbage” while engaging in sustainable practices. 

Look for Duplicate Items

Grouping items is a great way to start the decluttering process – it’s ideal for organizing things as well as discovering “duplicates”. These will likely never be used and should be put aside for a charity or donation. Aluminum and copper items can actually be valuable at the scrap yard. Since at Tal Metal, we offer hassle-free scrap metal pick up in Toronto, you won’t even have to leave your home in winter conditions to trade in our duplicate items. 

When Was a Specific Item Last Used?

Household items that are rarely used or never used should be removed. If an item doesn’t have any practical value, it’s time to remove it. Here again, these types of things are readily acceptable at local second-hand shops where they will be made available to someone who needs them.

Is The Item In Disrepair (or Broken)? 

It’s time to get rid of home appliances that are in disrepair or simply don’t work. Indeed, smaller appliances can be "recycled" by authorized businesses, so they don't go to landfills. Large home appliances like dishwashers, washers, and dryers are of great value to local scrap yards.

Does The Specific Item “Spark Joy”? 

The “spark joy” principle relates to those items in the home that might be special. Simply put, when there's no more spark, it's time to give it away or donate it. This can be especially difficult with some "special" items, but the overall principle is worth following when decluttering.

Does an Item Have Sufficient Space?   

In a well-organized home, everything has a dedicated space. It makes for practical storage and easy access. And it also brings to mind the things that are simply superfluous – things that can be given away, donated to a second-hand shop or ultimately thrown out as garbage.

Schedule Your Scrap Metal Pickup with Tal Metal

For convenient scrap metal pick up in Toronto, Tal Metal collects and recycles “non-ferrous” type metals. These metals do not contain any iron and include aluminum, copper, and brass. When demand for a “non-ferrous” metal is on the high side, the price for that metal also tends to be high, thus allowing Tal Metal to offer homeowners quick cash for their household scrap metal. Tal Metal is one of the established and reliable scrap yards in Toronto, offering homeowners and businesses a straightforward and convenient way to recycle what might otherwise be trash.

Call us today to schedule a scrap metal pick up in Toronto.

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