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Which Metal Items Cannot be Recycled

Posted on 12 June 2016

We all know the common items we should recycle. Paper, plastic, and compost pretty much hit the nail on the head. There is, however, a lot of confusion surrounding metal recycling.

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Common Mistakes You Can Make When Scrapping Metal

Posted on 12 May 2016

Now that the spring season has started, we’ve likely done some spring cleaning around the home, and even at work. You may have donated old clothing, canned foods, or small things around the home you have no need for anymore.

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The Process of Recycling Aluminum

Posted on 25 April 2016

Demand for aluminum products is ever growing. It’s primarily because aluminum products are so versatile. And while aluminum remains one of the most widely used metals, traditional aluminum cans remain the most recycled item worldwide.

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Finding a Scrap Metal Dealer in Toronto

Posted on 08 February 2016

Tal Metal removes and recycles virtually every type of scrap metal in Toronto. Our expert teams remove ferrous/non-ferrous metals for residential, commercial and industrial customers. All materials are handled responsibly, and according to bi-laws.

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Why Should You Recycle Non Ferrous Metals?

Posted on 11 January 2016

To begin with, let’s define non ferrous metals. Non ferrous metals are any metals that do not contain iron, such as: copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and more. The great thing about these metals is that they are all recyclable. The non ferrous metals that can be recycled can also be repurposed.

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Copper Recycling Tips

Posted on 11 January 2016

The act of recycling is becoming a popular phenomenon. Although we all know that we should be recycling our used metals, we don’t necessarily know how to do it for items that don’t go in our blue bins. Slowly, but surely, that information is becoming more widely known.

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Think of the Future, Think of Brass Recycling

Posted on 14 December 2015

Living in a world where climate change and environmental issues are some of the most prominent issues we face today, it’s common knowledge that we have to take actions to keep mother nature safe.

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The Future Of Scrap Metal Prices

Posted on 06 November 2015

Scrap metal can be found all over the place, and collecting scrap metal for sale is a great way to make secondary income in your spare time. It’s an opportunistic pursuit, and there is no shortage of scrap metal to be found.

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